Pilates Training

Pilates Training In North York

Pilates training is a technique incorporated into our Physiotherapy treatment to optimize patients’ recovery through conditioning and strengthening exercises. The programs focus on core stability and efficiency of movement. They are created to meet the needs and abilities of each individual by encouraging body awareness.

Our facility also provides classes for non-physiotherapy patients interested in practicing Pilates.

pilates training in north york ontario

3 Benefits Of Doing Pilates

pilates improve muscle strength

Develops Long, Strong Muslces

Increased muscle strength and tone. Balances your muscular strength on both ends of your body, especially your abdominal muscles, lower back, and hips.

Pilates improve flexibility

Increases Flexibility

Pilates is all about strengthening and stretching. This combination can help you to loosen tight muscles and make your body more flexible helping you move more freely.

Pilates improves core strength

Improves Core Strength

The deeper abdominal muscles and pelvic floor are the areas where Pilates targets. They can contract and release. These muscles act as a brace and lift the organs, protect and stabilize the back and serve as a brace.

What Does Pilates Consist Of?

The form of exercise known as Pilates is named for its founder, Joseph H. Pilates, who was born in Germany in 1880. In childhood, Joseph suffered from chronic illnesses such as asthma, rheumatic fever, and rickets. His frail state and suffering motivated him to gain physical strength.

Pilates originally was named Contrology, is a mind and body fitness regime. It combines flexibility and strength to work the entire body.

Pilates uses mats and specialized equipment. There are more than 500 resistance exercises beneficial for rehabilitation, injury prevention, posture alignment, and overall fitness. The programs focus on core stability and efficiency of movement. They are created to meet the needs and abilities of each individual by encouraging body awareness.

Mat exercises include a series of progressive exercises. They focus on the abdominal muscles, as well as the entire body, benefiting postural alignment, strength, and flexibility. Equipment, including what’s known as a Reformer, offers different ways to gain strength through resistance. Both mat and equipment systems are ideal for all levels of exercise. Pilates also retain and rebalance muscles, increase joint health and range of motion.

Pilates is a full-body conditioning program and is recommended for everyone. It is especially recommended for postural alignment, chronic back pain, spinal dysfunctions, scoliosis, postpartum rehabilitation, fitness, and athletic training.

Class Description

Beginner Class: focuses on the fundamentals of mat work. In this class you learn a series of exercises upon which the entire Pilates method is built. You increase body awareness, breath coordination, abdominal and back strength, flexibility and physical ease. You also learn to activate and maintain a strong neutral spine as well as proper abdominal curl and spinal extension as the foundation for many of the pilates exercises ahead. You are now well on your way!

The Reformer Class: Exercises preformed on the Pilates equipment facilitate a more complete understanding of the range and thoroughness of the Pilates technique. Extending your workout by including resistance training on the Pilates Reformer will increase the complexity of your training, improve your core strength and your ability to isolate and refine the workout of your arms and legs as well as your torso. There is nothing like committing to combined training in both Mat and Reformer to transform your body and mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

“The hundreds,” which is a series of 10 breathings, each with 10 counts equaling 100, is the first exercise. Your legs should be lifted to a 45-degree angle. You will lift your legs up to the air and engage your abdominals. You will then pump your arms at your sides, almost like you are slapping water on your arms, moving them up and down.

Your legs and head are elevated, which forces blood to flow to your heart. Pumping your arms back-and-forth forces blood to move through your body. It’s both an external and internal workout. You are stimulating your organs and improving circulation.

Pilates is different than most other exercises because it is safe and non-impact. It also works on the whole body. You can lie on your back, sideways, or kneeling on the ground. You are trying to move the body from the powerhouse. To protect your back, your abdominal wall will be used to support your back. The body is also being worked in a very uniform and symmetrical manner so that neither side is working harder.

The workout starts slowly because you are being taught everything. Once you have mastered the routine and are able to follow the instructions, the workout becomes more aerobic. Because you are more physically active, it is possible to get a cardiovascular workout by being on the equipment. Some classes and DVDs combine classic Pilates moves with heart-rate-boosting sequences for double the effect. Although it is difficult to achieve, Pilates can improve your cardiovascular health.

It is very individual to feel sore. Some people don’t feel sore. Pilates is about what you put into it. You’ll feel something the next day if you are conscious of your movements and make an effort to be mindful. Your athleticism is also a factor. You’ll feel it more if you’re sedentary than someone who is very active. It all depends on your lifestyle.

  • Concentration. This is the most important principle of Pilates. As you perform the exercises, it is important to be mentally present. You need to be aware of all aspects of your body, including alignment, sensations, and muscle flexes.
  • Control. Control. Every movement should be controlled.
  • You should center your body so you can use it evenly. Imagine a line running down the middle of your body, working on both sides equally.
  • Fluidity. Smooth transitions from one exercise to another are important. Once you have mastered the routine, it should look like a dance where each movement flows into the next.
  • Precision. Precision is key. You want to be precise in every movement. This is why Joseph Pilates created this exercise system.
  • Breath. Pilates exercises are all about how you breathe. Do not hold your breath. You can also keep your concentration and precision high by taking deep, steady breaths.


Ready to start with Pilates classes?