Physiotherapy Can Help You Get Moving Again

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Physiotherapy Can Help You Get Moving Again

Physiotherapy is a treatment that can be used to treat chronic or acute pain. No matter what your injury or underlying condition is, our licensed physiotherapists can help you understand how pain can impact your daily life.

Physiotherapists are movement specialists who have been trained in a variety of methods and modalities that are non-invasive, natural, and effective.

There are many reasons physical therapy is the best way to live a healthy, happy, pain-free lifestyle. Here are the top five:


1. Physiotherapy can help patients maximize their functional performance, mobility, and capacity.

A physiotherapist assists patients in improving their coordination, core stability, and endurance. This is important for both young and old who want to improve their performance as well as those who wish to prevent age-related debility.

Our physiotherapy team can help you manage your injury or illness now and in the future.


2. Physiotherapy can be used to address the root cause of pain.

A physiotherapist will not just treat your pain. Our therapists will identify and address the root causes of your condition, which can lead to chronic problems. These include scar tissue, shortened muscles, range-of-motion limitations, muscle activation issues, impaired ergonomics, body mechanics, as well as postural problems. If these factors are not addressed, then your symptoms will likely remain temporary.

A physiotherapist can treat both the symptom and the cause of an injury by providing services like patient education, work-hardening program, and other methods previously mentioned.


3. Physiotherapy has few side effects.

There is a low chance of side effects with physiotherapy services, unlike many other medications and invasive procedures. They are also highly effective at reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation, as well as other impairments that may be associated with a patient’s condition. Physiotherapy methods require less downtime and can be modified to make them safe for everyone, including seniors.


4. Physiotherapy can often eliminate the need for dangerous drugs such as opioids.

These potentially dangerous drugs are often prescribed too frequently, as evidenced by the current opioid abuse epidemic in the country. For many chronic pain conditions, the CDC recommends physiotherapy over opioids. Furthermore, physiotherapy treatment methods are evidence-based, meaning that they have been tested in scientific research studies to support their safety, efficacy, and effectiveness.


5. Every patient is unique and each treatment plan is tailored to their needs.

The standard physiotherapy care plan is customized to each patient. Any plan of care should address the patient’s specific goals and resolve any impairments. This will optimize their recovery, functional independence, and long-term health. Physical therapy techniques can help achieve these outcomes, such as:

  • Modalities include ultrasound, Kinesio taping, dry needling, and orthotics and prosthetics fit
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Manual therapy such as massages or joint mobilizations
  • Balance training is an example of neuromuscular reeducation

After an in-depth examination by your physiotherapist, you will receive a personalized treatment plan to speed up your healing. The plan can be modified to suit your lifestyle and needs. It also relies on your input throughout the process. This gives you an active role in your healing.

Book your consultation now!

Schedule a consultation today to begin your physiotherapy journey. We will help you navigate each step towards your physical goals, and help you live the active and pain-free lifestyle you want.


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