Massage Therapy Clinic In North York
Massage is one of the easiest and most reliable ways of relieving stress.
This soothing therapy relaxes tension and reduces anxiety. Massage stimulates sensory nerve endings in the skin, which transmit messages through the nervous system to the brain. The brain responds by relaxing endorphins, natural pain killers that induce a feeling of well-being. Massage further aids relaxation by affecting the body systems that control blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, and breathing, resulting in increased health.
Doctors and Physiotherapists recommend massage therapy to treat various musculoskeletal conditions. Our registered massage therapist is experienced with many different “hands-on” techniques and therefore has treated a wide variety of conditions.

3 Benefits Of Massage Therapy

Relaxes The Body
Relaxing your muscles can lead to great relaxation, which in turn leads to many health benefits, including improved mood, reduced stress, and lasting relaxation.

Lowers Blood Pressure
Many people have found that regular massage therapy can lower blood pressure. It can also be beneficial for those suffering from high blood pressure.

Improves Blood Circulation
Your entire body will benefit from well-functioning blood circulation throughout your body. A rich blood supply can help your muscles heal and function properly if they are sore, tense, or injured. You may feel more relaxed and less stressed because of improved circulation.
How Massage Benefits The Body
Here are some physical benefits that one can get from getting a massage:
- Increased mobility & flexibility in joints
- Improved skin tone
- Better recovery of soft tissue injuries
- Heightens one's mental awareness
- Reduced depression & anxiety
- Reduced muscle tension
- Improved blood circulation
- Stimulation of the lymphatic system
- decrease in stress hormones
- Overall relaxation

Frequently Asked Questions
One massage per month is recommended, depending on your maintenance and preventative needs. Your RMT can create a treatment plan that suits your needs and may include more or less frequent massages if necessary.
Massage can reduce inflammation and pain by using the right pressure. During your massage, it is a good idea to speak with your RMT about any pain or discomfort.
After a massage, it’s common to feel sore muscles. Massage can trigger the release of lactic acids stored in tight muscles. This can cause temporary soreness. The good news is that many people experience increased energy and a greater range of motion after a massage.
There are some risks associated with Hot Stone Massage. Pregnancy, any condition that affects the immune system (such a Lupus, Cancer, or Mononucleosis), and any condition that causes a loss in sensation (examples: diabetes, Neuropathy, and Peripheral Vascular Disorder) are the most common contraindications. You should discuss any condition with your registered massage therapist if it is not on the list.
No matter what clothes you wear, you can still get a therapeutic and effective massage. Our RMTs place the highest priority on your comfort and ability to relax. This allows them to provide effective massage therapy and make you feel at home. RMTs are trained in making sure that the fresh sheet drapes you on the massage table and protects your privacy. RMTs will let you know if you feel uneasy due to pain, treatment, or draping. You can undress and dress completely private before and after your massage.